صمام القلب. صمام قلبي اصطناعي

Step-Up to Medicine Step-Up Series In: Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine
Transcatheter valve-in-valve vs surgical replacement of failing stented aortic biological valves Nano-analytical electron microscopy reveals fundamental insights into human cardiovascular tissue calcification

ارتجاع صمام القلب

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

ما هي صمامات القلب ووظيفتها في الجسم؟
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2018
ما هي صمامات القلب
إصلاح صمام القلب
The American Journal of Cardiology
Nature Materials 12, 576-583 2013 org", Retrieved in 16-11-2018, Edited• com", Retrieved in 15-11-2018, Edited• Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2018
Approach to patients with valvular heart disease org", Retrieved in 15-11-2018, Edited• The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

أعراض مشاكل صمامات القلب

What is heart valve disease? "World experience of percutaneous ultrasound-guided balloon valvuloplasty in human fetuses with severe aortic valve obstruction".

تغيير صمام القلب التاجي وأبرز المعلومات عنه
How has robotic repair changed the landscape of mitral valve surgery? Journal of the American College of Cardiology
عملية صمام القلب: دليلك الشامل
com", Retrieved in 15-11-2018, Edited• Nature Materials 12, 476-478 2013
ما هي صمامات القلب ووظيفتها في الجسم؟
com", Retrieved in 15-11-2018, Edited• com", Retrieved in 16-11-2018, Edited