النوم القهري. النوم القهري: أسبابه وأعراضه وعلاجه

They are inhibited by the VLPO neurons during NREM sleep Wollenberg, Anne July 28, 2008
Jespersen, Kira V; Koenig, Julian; Jennum, Poul; Vuust, Peter EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd

النوم القهري

Sleep: Physiology Investigations and Medicine.

ما أسباب النوم الكثير
"The alerting effects of short and long naps in narcoleptic, sleep deprived, and alert individuals"
«النوم القهري» مرض يهدد الحياة.. علاجه بسيط
Emory University - Georgia Research Alliance
النوم القهري .. أسبابه وأضراره
KV ANAND,Infant and Child Psychology ,pp98• Exploring the Mystery of REM Sleep
Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics "Narcolepsy with Long Sleep Time"
Miyagawa T, Kawamura H, Obuchi M, Ikesaki A, Ozaki A, Tokunaga K, Inoue Y, Honda M; Kawamura; Obuchi; Ikesaki; Ozaki; Tokunaga; Inoue; Honda 2013 Most cases of narcolepsy in humans are not linked to mutations in the genes encoding orexin peptides or receptors, but are associated with significantly reduced, often undetectable, levels of orexin in cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissues

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Miyagawa T, Miyadera H, Tanaka S, Kawashima M, Shimada M, Honda Y, Tokunaga K, Honda M; Miyadera; Tanaka; Kawashima; Shimada; Honda; Tokunaga; Honda 2011.

نوم قهري
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition
مرض النوم القهري
United States Food and Drug Administration
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Consequently, the norepinephrine and serotonin REM-off cells, which are excited by orexin neurons during wakefulness, start to wane in activity, which gradually releases the cholinergic REM-on cells from their inhibitory effect
The Standards of Practice Committee of the American Sleep Disorders Association" Kajeepeta, Sandhya; Gelaye, Bizu; Jackson, Chandra L
Rye DB, Bliwise DL, Parker K, Trotti LM, Saini P, Fairley J, Freeman A, Garcia PS, Owens MJ, Ritchie JC, Jenkins A; Bliwise; Parker; Trotti; Saini; Fairley; Freeman; Garcia; Owens; Ritchie; Jenkins 21 November 2012 "Narcolepsy and automatic behavior: A case report"

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Maret S, Tafti M; Tafti November 2005.

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Liira J, Verbeek JH, Costa G, Driscoll TR, Sallinen M, Isotalo LK, Ruotsalainen JH August 2014
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Mignot E, Lammers GJ, Ripley B, Okun M, Nevsimalova S, Overeem S, Vankova J, Black J, Harsh J, Bassetti C, Schrader H, Nishino S; Lammers; Ripley; Okun; Nevsimalova; Overeem; Vankova; Black; Harsh; Bassetti; Schrader; Nishino 2002
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Guardian News and Media Limited