He argued that those objects move uniformly in a strictly circular motion around the earth, following Aristotelian principles | The Almohads, like the Almoravids they had supplanted, were a Northwest African Kharijite-influenced Berber reform movement |
When conclusions reached by philosophy appear to contradict the text of the revelation, then according to Averroes, revelation must be subjected to interpretation or allegorical understanding to remove the contradiction | The author of more than 100 books and treatises, his philosophical works include numerous commentaries on , for which he was known in the as The Commentator and Father of Rationalism |
Ibn Rushd contends that allegorical interpretation of scripture is common among the lawyers, theologians and the philosophers, and has been long accepted by all Muslims; Muslims only disagree on the extent and propriety of its use.
28210 and a commentary on 's Urjuzah fi al-Tibb "Poem on Medicine" | After Abu Yusuf's death in 1184, he remained in royal favor until he fell into disgrace in 1195 |
Averroes responded to Al-Ghazali in his | For humans, the will is the faculty to choose between two options, and it is desire that compels the will to choose |
This was a common subject of debate throughout later Greek and medieval philosophy.
3The providence argument considers that the world and the universe seem | In addition, he did not know the works of and , and so he missed the context of some of Aristotle's astronomical works |
The passive intellect is identified with the imagination, which, as noted above, is the sense-connected finite and passive faculty that receives particular sensual forms | Other forms of the name in European languages include "Ibin-Ros-din", "Filius Rosadis", "Ibn-Rusid", "Ben-Raxid", "Ibn-Ruschod", "Den-Resched", "Aben-Rassad", "Aben-Rasd", "Aben-Rust", "Avenrosdy", "Avenryz", "Adveroys", "Benroist", "Avenroyth" and "Averroysta" |
His thoughts generated controversies in Latin and triggered a philosophical movement called based on his writings.