سامي الحارثي. دكتور سامي الحارثي

Al Arfaj A , Al-Qattan M Problem Based Learning in Otorhinolaryngology 2014 By Prof
Hospital, Riyadh 2005 Cochlear Implant Update speaker King Abdulaziz Univ Voice Problems among Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Patients Diagnosed with Oropharyngeal pH Monitoring

دكتور سامي الحارثي

Member, Leadership Committee Quality Management : 2013 — present• Use of Ondansetron, Ketamine or Their Combination for Prevention of Post-Anesthetic Shivering.

Dr. Sami Al Harethy د. سامي بن عيضه الحارثي
Member, Disaster Preparedness Committee QM : 2013 — present• Development of the Arabic Version of Dysphagia Handicap Index DHI
تجربتي مع الدكتور سامي الحارثي
Hospital - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2004 Endoscopic Sinonasal Surgery - Ain Shams University, Egypt 2004 Endoscopic Sinonasal Surgery - Brussels Cologne 2003 Temporal Bone Dissection Course - Ain Shams University, Egypt 2003 Temporal Bone Dissection Course King Abdulaziz Univ
دكتور سامي الحارثي
Cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema, a rare complication of tonsillectomy
Aberrant Internal Carotid Artery in the Middle Ear Member, King Saud Facial Plastic Fellowship : 2013 - present• Associate Professor King Saud University : 2015 - present• Hemodynamic Response to Surgical Stimulus under Hypotensive Anesthesia induced with Isoflurance or Sevoflurance
Al Arfaj A , Al-Qattan M Otolaryngology Consultant : 2010 — present• Al Arfaj A, Al-Swiahb J, Al-Harethy S, Al Essa M

دورات تدريبية تربوية معتمدة ومصدقة

Journal Alexandria Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care.

دكتور سامي الحارثي
The Saudi Journal of Oto-Rhino Laryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Vol
Dr. Sami Al Harethy د. سامي بن عيضه الحارثي
Vincent Darsonval Facial plastic Consultant Angers University Hospital, France Prof
Dr. Sami Al Harethy د. سامي بن عيضه الحارثي
Hospital 2001 Hearing and Ear Care - Security Forces Hospital PUBLICATIONS• , Al-Harethy S, Al-Zahrani K
Sami Al Harethy ADDRESS Riyadh, P Saudi Med Journal 2008; Vol
Sami Al Harethy, Ahmed Al Arfaj, Columellar Scars in Middle Eatren Patients Effect of Periosteum Elevation on Periorbital Ecchymosis in Rhinoplasty

Dr. Sami Al Harethy د. سامي بن عيضه الحارثي

A New Look on Septoplasties: An Anatomo-clinical Study and Surgical Procedures of the 4 Main Septoplasties.

تجربتي مع الدكتور سامي الحارثي
A Rare Complication of Tipplasty: Extrusion of Nasal Tip Sutures
Dr. Sami Al Harethy د. سامي بن عيضه الحارثي
The Ideal Aesthetic Nasal Dorsum in the Saudi Population
دورات تدريبية تربوية معتمدة ومصدقة