البي سي. سي بي بي سي

"A UK Case: Lobbying for a new BBC Charter" " Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 34 3 2014 : 452—462
Mike Huggins, "BBC Radio and Sport 1922—39," Contemporary British History 2007 21 4 pp 491—515 New York, New York: Manchester University Press

جنسيات مذيعي بي بي سي العربية

House of Commons Public Accounts Committee.

شركة بي بي سي لخدمات الشحن الدولي خدمة الشحن البري
The BBC, including World Service, operates under two constitutional documents — its Royal Charter and the Licence and Agreement
بي بي سي
The Charter gives the Corporation legal existence, sets out its objectives and constitution, and also deals with such matters as advisory bodies
بي بي سي
BBC Hand Book 1929 , pp
"The BBC Polish Service During the Second World War" The corporation has long faced accusations of liberal and leftwing bias from politicians and other sections of the media
The Review of English Studies Reasons, Results and Consequences — Encompassing account of the BBC and influencing external factors until 1996

بي بي سي كورة

British Broadcasting Corporation 1969 The BBC Hymn Book with Music London: Oxford University Press• Broadcasting Empire: The BBC and the British World, 1922—1970 2012 : online• Life on air: a history of Radio Four Oxford University Press, 2007 covers 1967 to 1997.

جنسيات مذيعي بي بي سي العربية
New York, New York: Cambridge University Press
شركة بي بي سي لخدمات الشحن الدولي خدمة الشحن البري
The International Association of Wildlife Filmmakers
من هي رانيا العطار ويكيبيديا السيرة الذاتية
Great Britain: The Macmillan Press LTD
— The Memoirs of a British Broadcaster — History of the Zircon spy satellite affair, written by a former Director-General of the BBC The BBC and Ultra-Modern Music, 1922—1936: Shaping a Nation's Taste
Curran and , , Routledge p Victory through Harmony: The BBC and Popular Music in World War II Oxford University Press, 2012

من هي رانيا العطار ويكيبيديا السيرة الذاتية

Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

شركة بي بي سي لخدمات الشحن الدولي خدمة الشحن البري
Harris, Phil; Fleisher, Craig S
سي بي بي سي
— Rutgers University Press, 1961
تلفزيون بي بي سي عربي
New York, New York: Palgrave Macmillan