صور قرقيعان. عيد الفطر

, Medieval Technology and Social Change, 1962, citing M History of the later Roman Commonwealth, vol ii
3, note 3, and Collins, pp "100 Decisive Battles: From Ancient Times to the Present"• Published in the UK as Why the West has Won

معركة بلاط الشهداء

"History of the Reformation", vol.

معركة بلاط الشهداء
Early Carolingian Warfare: Prelude to Empire
معركة بلاط الشهداء
49—50; Gesta Episcoporum Autissiodorensium, extracts ed
عيد الفطر
Charlemagne: Father of a Continent
In Robert Cowley and Geoffrey Parker Eds Decisive Battles of the World
Providence: Studies in Western Civilization v Crusading Peace: Christendom, the Muslim World, and Western Political Order

عيد الفطر

"Culture and Carnage: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power"• Baudot, 1955, goes with October 17, 733.

معركة بلاط الشهداء
Gilliard, The Senators of Sixth-Century Gaul, Speculum, Vol
عيد الفطر
Classical Islam: A History, 600 A
معركة بلاط الشهداء
145 trans Chronicle of 754• The Age of Charles Martel