ضرب الله مثلا. القرآن الكريم

Hut when it began to show ingratitude towards the favours of Allah, He made its inhabitants taste the consequences of their doings, and inflicted misfortunes of hunger and fear on them they are good to their relatives and do not sever the bond of kinship , and fear their Lord, and dread the terrible reckoning
So Allah has informed us that there is no matter that is too small that is exempt from being used as an example, even if it was as insignificant as a mosquito or a spider The law should declare as a crime everything which God's religion has declared sinful and the government administration should try to eradicate the same; the system of education and training should prepare the minds and character to avoid the same; the same should be condemned from the religious pulpit, and regarded as vicious and forbidden in every economic enterprise

وَضَرَبَ لَنا مَثَلاً وَنَسِيَ خَلْقَهُ

And He misleads not except the defiantly disobedient, YUSUF ALI Allah disdains not to use the similitude of things, lowest as well as highest.

الدرر السنية
Allah is not ashamed to propound the parable of a gnat, or even of something more lowly
ضرب الله مثلاً رجلاً فيه شركاء متشاكسون
English - Sahih International : Allah presents an example a slave owned by quarreling partners and another belonging exclusively to one man - are they equal in comparison Praise be to Allah But most of them do not know• See also n 33 below
ضرب الله مثلا رجلا فيه شركاء متشاكسون ورجلا سلما لرجل هل يستويان مثلا ۚ الحمد لله ۚ بل أكثرهم لا يعلمون
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na Mwenyezi Mungu amepiga mfano wa mji ulio kuwa na amani na utulivu riziki yake ikiufikia kwa nafasi kutoka kila mahali Lakini ukazikufuru neema za Mwenyezi Mungu; kwa hivyo Mwenyezi Mungu akauvika vazi la njaa na khofu kwa sababu ya yale waliyo kuwa wakiyafanya• disebabkan apa yang selalu mereka perbuat
He will turn down every such desire of the self as goes against the Divine Commands, or whose fulfillment may clash with the demands of God-worship Here, it should be understood well that the parable of many ill-tempered and contesting masters cannot apply to the images of stone, but it only applies to living masters, who practically give contradictory commands to man and keep pulling him to themselves in actual reality
Somali - Abduh : Eebe wuxuu qadaray tusaale nin dad wadaagaan iskuna khilaafsan iyo mid usugnaada ruux si gaar ah ma egyihiin tusaale ahaan mahad Eebaa iska lch dadka badidiisna ma oga• Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Allah membuat perumpamaan yaitu seorang lakilaki budak yang dimiliki oleh beberapa orang yang berserikat yang dalam perselisihan dan seorang budak yang menjadi milik penuh dari seorang lakilaki saja; Adakah kedua budak itu sama halnya Segala puji bagi Allah tetapi kebanyakan mereka tidak mengetahui• In this case the external conflict and his anguish and agony might increase, but if he has adopted the Way sincerely, internal peace and satisfaction will necessarily accrue your servants to share as equals in the wealth we have bestowed on you 30:28

Understanding Surah Baqarah Ayat 26 (2:26)

English - Sahih International : And Allah presents an example a city which was safe and secure its provision coming to it in abundance from every location but it denied the favors of Allah So Allah made it taste the envelopment of hunger and fear for what they had been doing• Those who do not wish to understand things and are not motivated by the urge to seek the truth become enmeshed in superficial questions relating to the Book of God, draw altogether erroneous conclusions when they encounter references to apparently insignificant things such as gnats, and are thereby thrown further and further away from the Truth.

وضرب الله مثلا قرية كانت آمنة مطمئنة يأتيها رزقها رغدا من كل مكان فكفرت بأنعم الله فأذاقها الله لباس الجوع والخوف بما كانوا يصنعون
But He does not let anyone go astray thereby except those who are sinful
وَضَرَبَ لَنا مَثَلاً وَنَسِيَ خَلْقَهُ
Allah disdaineth not to coin the similitude even of a gnat
وَضَرَبَ لَنا مَثَلاً وَنَسِيَ خَلْقَهُ
In this case, the covenant that they broke is the pledge that Allah took from them in the Tawrah to follow Muhammad when he is sent as a Prophet, and to believe in him, and in what he was sent with