صورة الصافات. سورة الصافات مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل

48 And with them will be women limiting [their] glances, with large, [beautiful] eyes, 49 As if they were [delicate] eggs, well-protected " He said, "O my father, do as you are commanded
181 And peace upon the messengers 11 Then inquire of them, [O Muhammad], "Are they a stronger [or more difficult] creation or those [others] We have created? 145 But We threw him onto the open shore while he was ill

سورة الصافات مكتوبة

" 103 And when they had both submitted and he put him down upon his forehead, 104 We called to him, "O Abraham, 105 You have fulfilled the vision.

سورة الصافات
" 80 Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good
قراءة سورة الصافات مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل AsSaffat
" 55 And he will look and see him in the midst of the Hellfire
حل درس سورة الصافات تربية إسلامية صف ثاني فصل ثاني
157 Then produce your scripture, if you should be truthful
" 25 [They will be asked], "What is [wrong] with you? 14 And when they see a sign, they ridicule 15 And say, "This is not but obvious magic 125 Do you call upon Ba'l and leave the best of creators - 126 Allah, your Lord and the Lord of your first forefathers? 87 Then what is your thought about the Lord of the worlds? Why do you not help each other? 111 Indeed, he was of Our believing servants
58 Then, are we not to die 59 Except for our first death, and we will not be punished? 134 [So mention] when We saved him and his family, all, 135 Except his wife among those who remained [with the evildoers] 71 And there had already strayed before them most of the former peoples, 72 And We had already sent among them warners

سورة الصافات

179 And see, for they are going to see.

حل درس سورة الصافات تربية إسلامية صف ثاني فصل ثاني
" 97 They said, "Construct for him a furnace and throw him into the burning fire
تفسير المراغي/سورة الصافات
" Indeed, We created men from sticky clay
سوره صافات/متن و ترجمه
95 He said, "Do you worship that which you [yourselves] carve, 96 While Allah created you and that which you do? 176 Then for Our punishment are they impatient? " 18 Say, "Yes, and you will be [rendered] contemptible
76 And We saved him and his family from the great affliction 139 And indeed, Jonah was among the messengers
51 A speaker among them will say, "Indeed, I had a companion [on earth] 52 Who would say, 'Are you indeed of those who believe 53 That when we have died and become dust and bones, we will indeed be recompensed? 155 Then will you not be reminded? " 167 And indeed, the disbelievers used to say, 168 "If we had a message from [those of] the former peoples, 169 We would have been the chosen servants of Allah " 33 So indeed they, that Day, will be sharing in the punishment

مقاصد سورة الصافات

156 Or do you have a clear authority? 92 What is [wrong] with you that you do not speak? This is the Day of Recompense.

تفسير سورة الصافات
34 Indeed, that is how We deal with the criminals
مقاصد سورة الصافات
62 Is Paradise a better accommodation or the tree of zaqqum? 63 Indeed, We have made it a torment for the wrongdoers
تفسير المراغي/سورة الصافات
147 And We sent him to [his people of] a hundred thousand or more