للدلالة على الخير أجر عظيم مستمر وهو. ما هي طرق فعل الخير ؟

It is in no way possible that the depraved people may defeat him with their mean machinations and shameless devices Somali - Abduh : Lalamana kulmiyo arrintaas kuwii samrey mooyee lalamana kulmiyo mid nasiib weyn leh mooyee• It requires a great will power, resolution, courage, power of endurance and full control over one's own self
Such a work can be accomplished only by him who has resolved with a cool mind to work for the cause of upholding the Truth, who has subdued his self to intellect and sense and in whom good and righteousness have taken such deep roots that no malice and mischief of the opponents can succeed in deposing him from his high position Swahili - Al-Barwani : Lakini hawapewi wema huu ila wanao subiri wala hawapewi ila wenye bahati kubwa• A man may act benevolently in response to an evil done, on an impulse, and there is nothing extraordinary in it

ما هي طرق فعل الخير ؟

English - Sahih International : But none is granted it except those who are patient and none is granted it except one having a great portion [of good]• Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Sifatsifat yang baik itu tidak dianugerahkan melainkan kepada orangorang yang sabar dan tidak dianugerahkan melainkan kepada orangorang yang mempunyai keuntungan yang besar• Only a man of very high rank is characterised by.

للدلاله على الخير اجر عظيم مستمر وهو
ما هي طرق فعل الخير ؟
these qualities; and the one who possesses these qualities cannot be prevented by any power of the world from attaining to his goal of success
للدلاله على الخير اجر عظيم مستمر وهو
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 唯坚忍者,获此美德,唯有大福分者,获此美德。 Melayu - Basmeih : Dan sifat yang terpuji ini tidak dapat diterima dan diamalkan melainkan oleh orangorang yang bersikap sabar dan tidak juga dapat diterima dan diamalkan melainkan oleh orang yang mempunyai bahagian yang besar dari kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat• But when a person has to fight for years and years, for the sake of the Truth, those mischievous worshippers of falsehood, who do not feel any hesitation in violating any bond of morality, and are also intoxicated with power, it requires extraordinary grit to go on resisting the evil with good, and that too with the superior good, without ever showing any lack of restraint and self-control

ما هي طرق فعل الخير ؟


الموقع الرسمي للشيخ محمد صالح المنجد
تم: شرح ابيات قصيدة الاعمى للشاعر علي الجارم
تم: شرح ابيات قصيدة الاعمى للشاعر علي الجارم