سلام عليكم عليكم السلام. يقول الإمام عند التسليم : سلام عليكم ورحمة الله. فما حكم الصلاة خلفه؟

Tajik: salom alaykum , assalomu alaykum , salomu alaykum , salomun alaykum• Also, the full greeting is preferred versus the shorter greeting, "salam" In , the greeting is usually [ ] accompanied with a kind of two-handed "handshake", whereby the shaker's palms remain closed, and the fingers alone open to admit the other's proffered hand — which briefly touches the proffered's fingers or fingertips alone
Among Christians, during Mass, the priest and the congregation often use the salutation, "peace be with you When he wants to get up and leave, let him say 'Peace'

السلام عليكم

In , the expression "" gained a totally distinct and curious meaning: because of the habit of Arabic cultures to bow down and wave the hand from the front ahead in greeting a person, the expression "salamaleque" is applied to exaggerated movements or acts in order to appear to be formal or entertaining or even fancy.

قصيدة ” سلام عليكم وعلينا السلام ” لأنيس شوشان
This trend is similar to writing S or SAWS in place of
سلام عليكم
In Islam [ ] Part of on• In , the native term Selam is used in place of Tadias, which is the equivalent of "What's up"
قصيدة ” سلام عليكم وعلينا السلام ” لأنيس شوشان
In and , a diminutive form in the Albanian language, Selamun Alejkem or Selamun Alejqum is rarely used, the 'q' being a voiceless palatal stop typical of and Thracian Turkish phonology
English: , , , , , , ,• Though grammatically plural, this form of the greeting is predominantly also used towards one person In slang words, this greeting is sometimes referred as "samlekom"
, As'kum in , or AsA is becoming common amongst Internet users in chat rooms and by people using [ ] In Indonesia's culture, a remnant of feudalism is retained, where an elder's proffered right hand is taken and pressed briefly against the forehead

وعليكم السلام

In which has a majority of Muslims with -orientation, it is a common greeting.

This is very common for young children to greet older relatives of their parents' age, though, on occasion, if very polite children, younger
السلام عليكم
Your Lord has made mercy incumbent upon Himself: whoever of you commits an evil [deed] out of ignorance and then repents after that and reforms, then He is indeed All-Forgiving, All-Merciful
يقول الإمام عند التسليم : سلام عليكم ورحمة الله. فما حكم الصلاة خلفه؟
In , "Essalam eleykum" is used as a greeting by , and the reply is "We'eleykum essalam"