حديث القسط الهندي. كتاب القسط الهندي pdf العلاج عند الهندوس

It is inhaled by mixing it with oil and putting droplets of it in the nostrils With each method, there are different healing benefits, and such eloquence, coming from one who was given Jawami al Kalim [2], should not be surprising
To drink it, it is crushed into a powder and mixed with honey, water or other liquids, likewise is Tanteel

القسط الهندي... فيه سبعة أشفية

Doctors have mentioned that from the benefits of al Qist are:• It eases the flow of urine.

مدونة لجنة صحيح الحديث: أحاديث عن القسط والحجامة (إن أمثل ماتداويتم به الحجامة والقسط البحري +
Other scholars said that he only mentioned what was needed because he was not sent with the details of such issues
ما هو القسط المذكور في الحديث الشريف
So more than seven cures were mentioned, some scholars explained that seven cures were known through revelation, and the rest through experience, so only seven were mentioned because of their certainty
فصل: باب السَّعُوطِ بِالْقُسْطِ الْهِنْدِيِّ وَالْبَحْرِيِّ
It is also described as an illness that produces vile gasses, and an illness between the heart and the kidney
[2] The ability to speak a few words which have deep, wide ranging meanings Al Qist al-Hindi is hotter than al Bahri
Inhaling it as smoke is clear In this Hadeeth, only two types of cures were mentioned and not seven, so either the narrator sufficed himself with mentioning only two while all seven were mentioned by the Messenger, or the Messenger mentioned only two due to being the only two of the seven in existence at the time

سبعة أشفية في القسط الهندي

The second possibility seems to be stronger as will be explained shortly.

حديث الرسول عن القسط الهندي
His statement: For indeed it has seven cures
فوائد وأضرار القسط الهندي
Bo-Kyung Lee, Soo-JinPark, So-YeonNam, and others 3-2018 , , Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Folder 213, Page 256-261
فوائد وأضرار القسط الهندي
Narasimhacharya 29-4-2008 , , Phytotherapy Research, Issue 5, Folder 22, Page 620-626