طائر الايمو. تعرف على طيور لا تطير

"Does dingo predation control the densities of kangaroos and emus? In del Hoyo; Elliott, A New South Wales: Office of Environment and Heritage
Robert, Willem Carel Hendrik 1972 "Antagonism of croton oil inflammation by topical emu oil in CD-1 mice"

تعرّف على أشهر 8 حيوانات أصبحت رموزاً لدول

"Can emu oil ameliorate inflammatory disorders affecting the gastrointestinal system? West Australian, 4 March 1932, quoted in Johnson 2006 , p152• Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture.

United States Department of Agriculture
معلومات مدهشة عن طائر الإيمو الأسترالي بالصور
Gillespie, James; Flanders, Frank 2009
نبذة تعريفية عن طائري
"Promotion of second intention wound healing by emu oil lotion: comparative results with furasin, polysporin, and cortisone"
"The mating system of free-living emus" Farmington Hills, Michigan: Gale Group
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, State of Queensland : Rural Industries Research and Development Corp

معلومات عن طائر الإيمو

" 'Feathered foes': soldier settlers and Western Australia's 'Emu War' of 1932".

نبذة تعريفية عن طائري
"Comparison of the antioxidant properties of emu oil with other avian oils"
معلومات عجيبة عن الطيور
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Alice Springs, Northern Territory: IAD Press
Vieillot, Louis Jean Pierre 1816 "Ventilatory accommodation of oxygen demand and respiratory water loss in a large bird, the emu Dromaius novaehollandiae , and a re-examination of ventilatory allometry for birds"
"Maternal effects of egg size on emu Dromaius novaehollandiae egg composition and hatchling phenotype" Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

10 من أخطر أنواع الطيور في العالم بالصور

"Pelvic limb musculature in the emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Aves : Struthioniformes: Dromaiidae : Adaptations to high-speed running".

معلومات عن طائر الايمو صديق الانسان
"Ancient DNA suggests dwarf and 'giant' emu are conspecific"
معلومات عن طائر الايمو صديق الانسان
Spiller, Geoff; Norton, Suzanna 2003
معلومات عن طائر الايمو صديق الانسان
Christidis, Les; Boles, Walter 2008