ربي اوزعني اشكر نعمتك وافوز برضاك. أجمل أدعية رمضان .. 20 دعاء مستجاب من القرآن والسنة

Existence is by You, and for You is prostration, and You are The Worshiped Truth And similarly upon his family and companions, for of this You are able
O Lord, send prayers upon him as much as You cherish him I seek forgiveness of The Great Lord, Whom there is no other God save He, The Ever-Living, The Self-Subsisting, and repent to Him

أدعية مأثورة من القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية

The likeness of His Light is as a niche wherein is a lamp.

صور دعاء الصباح ـ ادعية صباح الخير بالصور ـ ادعية الصباح بالصور
And praise to Allah , Lord of all worlds
صور دعاء الصباح ـ ادعية صباح الخير بالصور ـ ادعية الصباح بالصور
صور دعاء الصباح ـ ادعية صباح الخير بالصور ـ ادعية الصباح بالصور
We are hoping for your intercession and to be in your neighborhood with The Lord
Whoever follows your path and stands for your cause will be supported by The Lord O Lord, please send upon Sayyidina Mohammed and his family prayers that befit You and befit him
O Lord, I seek refuge with You from me, and I beseech You that I am freed of me Everyone beneath you is loving, and you are loved by The Lord

أدعية مأثورة من القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية

Whoever seeks shelter in your excellency and clings to your eminence will be honored by The Lord.

أدعية اسلامية دينية نادرة مؤثرة
and those who believe with him
صور دعاء الصباح ـ ادعية صباح الخير بالصور ـ ادعية الصباح بالصور
There is no god except Him
دعاء قبل المغرب مستجاب
Whoever disobeys you has disobeyed The Lord