وليس الذكر كالأنثى. القاعدة التاسعة: (وَلَيْسَ الذَّكَرُ كَالْأُنْثَى)

And I seek refuge with You for her and for her offspring from Shaytan, the outcast
I think it was a bad decision to read this in Arabic, and I'm quite ashamed to say this since Arabic is my native language but I found it hard to understand a lot of things written

(وَلَيْسَ الذَّكَرُ كَالْأُنْثَى)

Other new born infants were also given names on the day they were born.

القرآن الكريم
And the male is not like the female, in strength and the commitment to worship Allah and serve the Masjid in Jerusalem
مولد مريم في القرآن... الذكر
Al-Bukhari and Muslim collected this Hadith
القاعدة التاسعة: (وَلَيْسَ الذَّكَرُ كَالْأُنْثَى)
They also recorded that; Anas bin Malik brought his newborn brother to the Messenger of Allah who chewed a piece of date and put it in the child's mouth and called him Abdullah
Allah's statement that Maryam's mother said, This Hadith was collected by Ahmad and the collectors of the Sunan, and was graded Sahih by At-Tirmidhi
" Kuma namiji bai zama kamar mace ba '' means, that she sought refuge with Allah from the evil of Shaytan, for her and her offspring, i



مولد مريم في القرآن... الذكر
'' The Two Sahihs recorded this Hadith
وليس الذكر كالأنثى by ألفة يوسف
We should mention that another narration for this Hadith contained the wording, "and blood is offered on his behalf,'' which is more famous and established than the former narration, and Allah knows best
(وَلَيْسَ الذَّكَرُ كَالْأُنْثَى)
I feel very confused now that I'm done
Then when she gave birth to her, she said: "O my Lord! I think it was a bad decision to read this in Arabic, and I'm quite ashamed to say this since Arabic is my native language but I found it hard to understand a lot of things written And I have named her Maryam, thus, testifying to the fact that it is allowed to give a name to the newly born the day it is born, as is apparent from the Ayah, which is also a part of the law of those who were before us

وليس الذكر كالأنثى


وليس الذكر كالأنثى by ألفة يوسف
وليس الذكر كالأنثى
القرآن الكريم