Gebruik ook een condoom als u geslachtsgemeenschap heeft in de volgende 7 dagen | California Board of Pharmacy December 22, 2004 |
The use of a copper IUD for emergency contraception is expensive, but not if it is retained as an ongoing method of contraception | als u heeft en de pil minder veilig is |
Gainer, Erin; Kenfack, Bruno; Mboudou, Emile; Doh, Anderson Sama; Bouyer, Jean August 2006.
3121: Mechanism of action Copper-releasing IUCs When used as a regular or emergency method of contraception, copper-releasing IUCs act primarily to prevent fertilization | London: electronic Medicines Compendium eMC , Datapharm |
However, women should also be informed that the best available evidence indicates that ECPs prevent pregnancy by mechanisms that do not involve interference with post-fertilization events | Tot 21 jaar wordt de meeste anticonceptie vergoed |
Notice of withdrawal of approval of new drug applications" | 3: How does EC work? WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research December 31, 2004 |
Worse than the disease: pitfalls of medical progress | De anticonceptiepil bestaat meestal uit een strip met 21 of 22 pillen |