The category indicates that this activity's icon should be placed in the system's app launcher | Starting a service A is a component that performs operations in the background without a user interface |
It passes the URI part of the test either if its URI matches a URI in the filter or if it has a content: or file: URI and the filter does not specify a URI |
These two must be paired together in order for the activity to appear in the app launcher.
11An intent can also supply the following information: Extras Key-value pairs that carry additional information required to accomplish the requested action | If it fails to match even one of them, the Android system won't deliver the intent to the component |
Flags Flags are defined in the class that function as metadata for the intent | Your activity receives the result as a separate object in your activity's callback |
If there's only one app that can handle it, that app opens immediately and is given the intent | The activity is the initial activity of a task and is listed in the system's application launcher |
Doing so allows your app to listen for specific broadcasts during only a specified period of time while your app is running | For example, the Home app populates the app launcher by finding all the activities with intent filters that specify the action and category |
If the service is designed with a client-server interface, you can bind to the service from another component by passing an to.