هناك عوامل متعددة تتحكم في اقتصاد الدول منها الاستقرار و الموارد. أمن غذائي

FAO, WFP, and IFAD 2012 "Measuring food insecurity: the frequency and severity of "coping strategies ""
Washington DC: FANTA-2 Bridge, FHI 360 "Poverty, household food insecurity and nutrition: Coping strategies in an informal settlement in the Vaal Triangle, South Africa"

أمن غذائي

Washington DC: Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project, Academy for Educational Development.

أمن غذائي
"The Economics of Global Food Security"
أمن غذائي
Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
أمن غذائي
Rasul, Golam; Hussain, Abid; Mahapatra, Bidhubhusan; Dangol, Narendra 2018-01-01
"Measuring food insecurity: Can an indicator based on localized coping behaviors be used to compare across contexts? the Future, Retrieved 20 June 2014
:: Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project, Academy for Educational Development "Food Security and Famine and Hunger" PDF

أمن غذائي

"Food Security: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People".

أمن غذائي
United Nations Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights 1999
أمن غذائي
Coates, Jennifer, Anne Swindale and Paula Bilinsky 2007
أمن غذائي
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences