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Launched in 2005, Ma'an News Agency MNA publishes up-to-the-minute Click Rewordify text and you'll instantly see an easier version, for fast understanding

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In 1920, The emir arrived in Ma'an in with several hundred fighters mostly from the tribe in an attempt to restore the in Damascus following its by. on
" In further reports, PMW criticized Ma'an for "demonization of Jews," for publishing news stories in materially different Arabic and English versions, and for
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You can also enter a web site URL Civilizations with the name of Ma'an have existed at least since the period—the modern city is just northwest of the ancient town
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As of December 2013, Ma'an News receives the fourth most site visitors in the Palestinian territories.

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Muslim traveler noted Ma'an was "the last place in Syria" before reaching in the
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Imagine each student learning vocabulary customized to his or her interests, while you have time to teach instead of typing on

It is now called the Ma'an Palace and is depicted on the reverse of the 5 note.

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Ma'an News Agency
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