فقمة البحر. فقمة الراهب المتوسطية

Marine Mammals of Eastern North Pacific and Waters, Pacific Search Press, Seattle WA "Haulout behaviour of High Arctic harbour seals Phoca vitulina vitulina in Svalbard, Norway"
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Thewissen eds , Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals Academic Press

معلومات عن الفقمة وأسد البحر

Harbor seal and spotted seal Phoca vitulina and P.

فقمة ويديل
"In-air and underwater vocalizations of eastern Canadian harbour seals, Phoca vitulina"
فقمة الراهب المتوسطية
Journal of Zoology London 233: 369—384
فقمة البحر الكاريبي: الخصائص والموئل وأسباب الانقراض
Whales, dolphins and seals: A field to the marine mammals of the world The transmission of phocine -1 in rehabilitating and free-ranging Pacific harbor seals Phoca vitulina in
New Zealand: Reed Publishing Ltd " Marine Mammal Science 1

فقمة الراهب المتوسطية

Michael Hogan, Harbor Seal Study for Strawberry Spit, Marin County, California, Earth Metrics file reference 10323, BCDC and County of Marin, January 23, 1989.

"Comparative life histories of East Atlantic and other harbour seal populations"
van den Toorn, Jaap 1999-09-21
فقمة البحر لنتعرف على هذا الحيوان عن قرب
"Pinniped Taxonomy: evidence for species and subspecies"