מכללת הדסה כניסת סטודנטים. מפת האתר

Felix Glaubach, President, mourn his passing and extend their condolences to The Chief Rabbi, Ha'Rishon LeZion and to the deceased family 30, New Cemetery, Kfar Saba
The deceased was former Chair of the Clore Scholars Programme The Shiva will take place at 18 Catzenelson St

מפת האתר

The Jerusalem Post management and staff extend their condolences to Education Minister Naftali Bennett on the death of his father.

מפת האתר
Bronfman, Founding Co-Chairman, Joshua Nash, Co-Chairman and Gidi Mark, International CEO extend their condolences to the Minister of Education and Diaspora Affairs Naftali Bennet and family on the passing of his father
המרכז האקדמי פרס
Mourned by: Wife: Myrna, Sons and daughters in law: Asher, Danny, Naftali, Moriah, Noa and Gilat, Sister: Nency, Grandchildren: Adi, Shoham, Uri, Yair, Yoni, Michal, Eitan, Avigail, David and Kinneret
יפעת קידר
Keren Hayesod, United Israel Appeal, Eliezer Moodi Sandberg, World Chairman, Yohanna Arbib Perugia, Chair, World Board of Trustees, Greg Masel, Director General, leaders and activists around the world mourn his passing and extend their condolences to his children, family and students
The Shiva will take place at 4a Freud St Daniel Kropf mourn the passing of his friend
Dame Vivien Duffield and the Trustees and staff of the Clore Israel Foundation send their condolences to her family The deceased Was Posek Hador and contributed to Jewish Law

דף הבית

Telfed, South African Zionist Federation Israel , Dave Bloom, Chairman, Leon Charney, President BOG, Sidney Shapiro, Director mourn her passing and extend their condolence to her husband, Nick Alhadeff, Former Telfed Chairman, former President Board of Governors and to her daughter Audrey and family.

בית החולים מאיר רוטשילד
ארז חרמוני מרצה בקורס השכרת רכב במכללה העסקית
The Jerusalem Great Synagogue, Dr
סגל ההוראה