كلام شكر للمعلم. عبارات شكر بالانجليزي للمعلم

You have all the praise and appreciation,equal the number of rain drops, the colors of the cast, and the fragrance of perfume, for your precious efforts and value, in order to advance the march of our precious school You are the people of excellence
If she smiled to me I know that the world smiled for you

أجمل عبارات للمعلم

And with you we believed nothi ng is impossible for the sake of creativity and advancement.

كلام شكر للمعلم
عبارات شكر بالانجليزي للمعلم
كلمة شكر للمعلم في يوم التخرج
so that I have all the love, respect and appreciation for you
To those who assured us that the teacher is not only to give the lesson, but to raise a generation Oh who gave life value
We have decided to to write this letter as an appreciation of your hard work I am now proud that you studied me one day

كلمات شكر المعلم


كلام جميل عبارات شكر عن المعلمة
because you are bigger than them
11 نموذج كلمة شكر للمعلم من ولي الامر او التلاميذ او الموظفين قصيرة
All thanks and appreciation for your valuable efforts
أجمل عبارات للمعلم