عائلة سيمبسون. مسلسل “The Simpsons”.. تنبؤات مثيرة بالمستقبل تتحقق بالفعل!

Repeat "special guest" cast members include , , , , , and China banned it from prime-time television in August 2006, "in an effort to protect China's struggling animation studios
" Also in 2004 author described claims of declining quality in the series as "hogwash", saying " The Simpsons hasn't fumbled the ball in fourteen years, it's hardly likely to fumble it now We're praying for an end to the Depression, too

“عائلة سيمبسون” تنبأ بمشاركة هانكس في حفل تنصيب الرئيس قبل سنوات

Kondolojy, Amanda August 28, 2014.

قناة الجديد
The main characters are the Simpson family, who live in a fictional "" town of Springfield
ترصد حقيقة تنبؤات بأحداث هامة عالميًا وعربيًا
This piece has been noted by Elfman as the most popular of his career
وطنا نيوز
97 "" 22 September 29, 2013 May 18, 2014 5
For example, the device shown on The Simpsons with autocorrection is an , a real 1993 device notorious for its poor Flashbacks and flashforwards do occasionally depict the characters at other points in their lives, with the timeline of these depictions also generally floating relative to the year the episode is produced
animation studio, Film Roman, draws , designs new characters, backgrounds, props and draws character and background layouts, which in turn become to be screened for the writers at Gracie Films for any changes to be made before the work is shipped overseas More viewers watch 'The Simpsons' than 'Cosby'! Groening has said that he named it after , and the fictitious Springfield which was the setting of the series

“عائلة سيمبسون” تنبأ بمشاركة هانكس في حفل تنصيب الرئيس قبل سنوات

6 million viewers watched the episode, making it the number one show in terms of actual viewers that week.

صحيفة فجر الإلكترونية
from the original on October 19, 2016
تنبؤات قريبة جدا.. مسلسل تنبأ بسفر برانسون للفضاء منذ عام 2014
from the original on September 4, 2015
صحيفة فجر الإلكترونية
" He added that he was "proud of what we do on the show", and "it's a time in our culture where people love to pretend they're offended"