The Prophet peace be on him discouraged people from being over-inquisitive and unnecessarily curious about every question | masih ada niscaya akan turun ayat-ayat Alquran yang menjelaskannya dan jika ayat-ayat Alquran telah turun niscaya isinya akan menjelek-jelekkan kamu sendiri oleh karena janganlah kamu banyak bertanya tentang hal-hal itu; sesungguhnya Allah telah memaafkan kamu tentang hal-hal itu sebelum kamu meminta maaf kepada-Nya, maka dari itu janganlah kamu mengulanginya |
We find in the Hadith the following saying from the Prophet peace be on him : 'The worst criminal among the Muslims is the one who inquired about something which had not been made unlawful, and then it was declared so, because of his inquiry | English - Sahih International : O you who have believed do not ask about things which if they are shown to you will distress you But if you ask about them while the Qur'an is being revealed they will be shown to you Allah has pardoned that which is past; and Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing• In both these traditions an important fact has been called to our attention |
Such seeming omissions are deliberate, and the reason thereof is that He does not desire to place limitations upon people, but prefers to allow them latitude and ease in following His commandments.
17Anda belum mahir membaca Qur'an? Somali - Abduh : Kuwa Xaqa Rumeeyow ha Warsanina waxyaalo Haddii Laydiin Muujiyo idin Murug Galin Haddaana Warsataan marka Quraanka la soo Dejin waa Laydiin Muujin wuuna idinka Cafiyey Eebe Xaggeeda ILaahayna waa Dambi Dhaafe Dulbadan• ' See Bukhari, 'Riqaq', 22; 'Zakah', 53; I'tisam', 3; 'Adab', 6; Muslim, 'Aqdiyah', 10, 11, 13, 14; Darimi, 'Riqaq', 38; Muwatta', 'Kalam', 20; Ahmad b | By these uncalled for inquiries they sought knowledge of matters which had for good reasons, been deliberately left undetermined by the Law-giver |
Janganlah kamu menanyakan kepada Nabimu hal-hal yang jika diterangkan dijelaskan kepadamu, niscaya menyusahkan kamu karena di dalamnya mengandung kemudaratan dan jika kamu menanyakannya di waktu Alquran itu sedang diturunkan artinya di masa Nabi saw | Once, for instance, a person asked the Prophet peace be on him in the presence of a crowd: 'Who is my real father? 246, 249, 250, 251, 255 - Ed |
Allah amat banyak ampunan-Nya dan amat luas santun-Nya, hingga tidak tergesa-gesa memberi hukuman.