احرف الجر. Prepositions

The purple blouse is in the closet over See the image and answer the following Questions The blackboard is …
behind The box is …… the pink cage:• There is some sugar on the shelf in the cupboard on Taxi never arrives ……

حروف الجر

in front of The purple blouse is ….

حروف الجر
The box is below the pink cage
حروف الجر online activity
We took a ferry across the river
مواضع زيادة حروف الجر
The bluebird is in front of the box
The ball is below the box
Taxi never arrives on time on There is some sugar …

حروف الجر

The bluebird is behind the box.

حروف الجر
across He goes …… the stairs quickly before anybody saw him:• The ball is between two boxes
حروف الجر
حروف الجر في اللغة العربية للأطفال
That palace was built in the 14th century