فحص نظر للرخصة. Issuing Driving License

Enter the required information including National ID or Iqama number and date of birth To further understand the requirements for issuing a driving license, click here
The applicant must provide a valid report To ensure that you are fully prepared for the theoretical test, the Saudi Driving School provides the trainee with 8 theoretical lectures, each lasting for up to an hour

Issuing Driving License

This test includes blood samples, an eye test and a general check-up.

نموذج فحص طبي للرخصة
Once your application has been accepted, you will receive a message verifying your registration
نموذج الفحص الطبي لتجديد رخصة القيادة وأسعار الفحص 1442
If you hold a valid international or foreign license, please skip to step 5
Issuing Driving License
The applicant must provide a valid report
The applicant must provide six official photos size 4x6 cm The applicants minimum age must be 18
Whereas, for practical training, the applicant must go to the driving school first to get an assessment and then the number of hours required for training will be determined These examinations can be conducted out of any governmental or private medical center associated with traffic

أسماء 614 مستشفى وعيادة معتمدة لتجديد رخص القيادة

This test is carried out on a computer and includes 20 questions, which you are given 30 minutes to answer.

اجراءات وسعر الفحص الطبي لتجديد الرخصة والمراكز المعتمدة
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia presents its efforts and dedication to facilitating the issuance of obtaining a valid driving license in the Kingdom through the development of an e-service, provided by the Public Security Department, which can be accessed through Absher
فحص نظر جدة — المراكز المعتمدة للفحص الطبي للرخصة جدة هي من أحد
The applicant must pay the required fees
أسعار الفحص الطبي لتجديد رخصة القيادة 2021 ومراكز الفحص
Fill in the required information on the online registration form