بيرس مورغان. British broadcaster Piers Morgan resigns

In April 2020, during the , Morgan wrote a highly critical article of Trump's handling of the crisis in his column for Initially an acting editor, he was confirmed in the summer, becoming at 29 the youngest national newspaper editor in more than half a century
Private Lives of the Stars Byrne, Ciar 15 May 2004

بيرس مورغان يسخر من قرار منافسة ميغان ماركل وهاري للملكة.. ويمنحهما عدة جوائز مذلة بأسماء مشاهير!

" Broadcaster described his departure as "a pity" for ITV because he had brought "energy, dynamism and controversy" to its morning broadcast schedule, adding "it had always lagged way behind the and people tuned in because of him.

مغادرة بيرس مورغان برنامجه الأخير
On 21 January 2020, Morgan was accused of racism and was hit by 1,095 Ofcom complaints for his comments relating to a Chinese dairy advert, in which he said "He's using ching milk"
بيرس مورغان يسخر من قرار منافسة ميغان ماركل وهاري للملكة.. ويمنحهما عدة جوائز مذلة بأسماء مشاهير!
Sweney, Mark 11 April 2016
ما لا تعرفه عن بيرس مورغان .. من هو؟ سيرته الذاتية، إنجازاته وأقواله، معلومات عن بيرس مورغان
He also said he thought Morgan was "in jail", erroneously stating that Morgan had "admitted" to authorising phone-hacking
He recalled a lunch with the Mirror editor in September 2002 at which Morgan outlined the means of hacking into a mobile phone
Horton, Helena 11 February 2017 He tweeted to Trump: "What the hell are you doing retweeting a bunch of unverified videos by Britain First, a bunch of disgustingly far-right extremists? In October 2003, journalist and television personality emptied a glass of water over Morgan during the last flight of in response to some photographs published in the Mirror

Piers Morgan

Hattenstone, Simon 12 October 2013.

مغادرة بيرس مورغان برنامجه الأخير
His father died when Morgan was 11 months old; his mother later married Glynne Pughe-Morgan, a Welsh pub landlord who later worked in the meat distribution business, and he took his stepfather's surname
ميغان ماركل لم تصمت على انتقادات بيرس مورغان لها وهذا ما فعلته بشأنها
in , the in May 2004 found in favour of model on privacy grounds after the Mirror had published a photograph of her entering a clinic
ميغان ماركل تشكو بيرس مورغان وهو يقدم استقالته
In 1994, aged 29, he was appointed editor of the News of the World by , which made him the youngest editor of a British national newspaper in more than half a century