Tnet. Pricing

Combined, these items reduced GAAP revenue by 3% Not only NO, but NO! This has the impact of stabilizing our installed base, increasing our predictability and improving the renewal dialog with our customers
Ours is way better than most David Grossman -- Stifel -- Analyst Got it

State of NJ

Our already thin depth, is now non existent.

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Goldfield -- President and Chief Executive Officer That's OK
However, once again, these higher than forecasted COVID-19-related costs were more than offset by reduced overall health services utilization, as we saw the paid claims activity in January and February play out
State of NJ
I don't think TP should even make an attempt to come back this year but what do I know? I am proud of the TriNet team and their ability to help our customers navigate the current economic climate
But as we look at it sequentially, usually first quarter or January rather is when a lot of people change PEOs The aim is to provide interfaces that permit the use by all to access the same information and data using modified interfaces that can accommodate various needs
Kelly Tuminelli -- Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Yes Sam England -- Berenberg -- Analyst Okay

TNET Stock Price

Operator Our next question comes from Kevin McVeigh with Credit Suisse.

Tnet Broadband Internet
Kelly Tuminelli -- Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Yes, sure
TNET Stock Price
I appreciate the question, but we did set 10% as the low end of our guidance, for sure
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I am concerned about our depth issue at QB
Tien-Tsin Huang -- JPMorgan -- Analyst Thank you Net insurance margin outperformed in the quarter, as we benefited from larger positive claims development, as our fourth quarter reserves were paid during the first quarter
Given the higher paid claims activity in December, we had assumed higher levels of incurred, but unpaid health costs My guess is TP11 returns around late October to November-ish time frame and is carefully worked back in

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Yes, some thoughts around, that'd be great.

TNET Stock Price
Operator Our next question comes from Andrew Nicholas with William Blair
State of NJ
I'm curious if you're thinking or your targets for new sales for the calendar year has changed versus 90-days ago
Re: TNET: Swinney and Streeter never considered transfer portal to add QB depth
Extrapolating off our Q1 trend and the continued reopening of the US economy, I would expect continued outsize hiring in our installed base throughout 2021