ראש חודש שבט. ‎‎ראש חודש שבט

We do not recite Tachanun on that day, and it is customary on that day to partake of many types of fruits Its last two letters vav and hei, which represent the lower, revealed level of unification , equal 11
This inner, spiritual sense of taste controls the more external sense of taste and eating in the mouth Shvat is the eleventh of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar

שבט (חודש)

The New Year of Trees of the month of Shevat is the time that the rain waters of the winter months begin to ascend in the veins of the tree and bring it new life.

שבט (חודש)
The word Shevat itself transforms to Shabbat since the two letters tet and tav, both letters of the tongue, are phonetically interchangeable
שבט (חודש)
From this it is evident that Asher represents the sense of taste and eating
שבט (חודש)
Through thoughtful eating, we can maintain good health, and become better able to perform good deeds, serve HASHEM, and to help others
The value of the first two letters of Havayah, the yud and hei, which represent the higher, concealed level of unification is 15 בספרות החסידית מוסבר הדבר על פי הכתוב "יזל מים מדליו וזרעו במים רבים" , ומכיוון ששבט יוצא אחרי שרוב גשמי העונה ירדו, ובורות המים היו מלאים, והיו שואבים מים ממרומי הבור בעזרת דליים
Knowing Hashem in all of our ways, and in every aspect of our lives enables us to extend divinity, and holiness to others The process of grinding is essential to digestion

‎‎ראש חודש שבט

במגילה 4Q318 מ המזל הפותח וסוגר את חודש שבט הוא.

שבט (חודש)
This date marks the new year for determining the age of the fruit of the tree with regard to certain agricultural halachot, such as tithing
שבט (חודש)
באשורית הוא נקרא בשם "שבטו" מלשון מכה, על שם הרוחות הנושבות בו
‎‎ראש חודש שבט
Dissecting the coarse food substance to fine parts is necessary in order to release the sparks of Divine life force contained within the food