برنامج شريك. يدعم الشركات ويوفر مئات الآلاف من الوظائف.. ما هو برنامج الذي أطلقته السعودية؟

"Shareek" Program is one of the main pillars of the Saudi economic development plans
The program also seeks to maximize the flexibility of the Kingdom's economy by launching vital projects that contribute to the development of the main economic sectors There is consensus among these companies about the feasibility of the proactive government outlook and dynamic efforts, and that such initiatives will contribute to strengthening cooperation between the public and private sectors to increase economic activity and prosperity in the Kingdom

برنامج “شريك” .. قوة دافعة لاستثمارات القطاع الخاص

In principle, the following entities that are likely to participate in providing incentives include the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, the Saudi Customs, the Saudi Industrial Development Fund, the Local Content and Government Procurement Authority, the Capital Markets Authority, the Saudi Central Bank, the General Authority for Zakat and Tax, the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, the Communications and Information Technology Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, the Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones MODON , the Ministry of Interior, and the Economic Cities and Special Zones Authority.

Program aims to strengthen cooperation between public and private sectors
The launch of the program is another step for the Kingdom paving the way towards a resilient and diversified national economy
ولي العهد السعودي يطلق برنامج شريك ، أكبر مباردة شراكة بين القطاع العام والقطاع الخاص
The program is supervised by a council that includes various stakeholders from the investment sector
تفاصيل برنامج تعزيز الشراكة مع القطاع الخاص
Large companies have generally expressed support for the program
The program was established to accelerate the growth of business opportunities within the Kingdom and support the achievement of Vision 2030 Each company will receive special support and benefit from government support that is most closely linked to it, which will accelerate its investment plans and programs
The program provides support through access to assets, operational, organizational and cooperative support, as these forms are the most important areas of support that enable projects to be launched at an early stage compared to current plans Riyadh,SPA: Establishing a vibrant and thriving private sector is one of the Kingdom's national priorities, and is the driving force behind the creation of a large corporate investment program

برنامج لتعزيز الشراكة مع القطاع الخاص في السعودية

The program is not a direct response to the negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, but rather it achieves a number of goals, most notably to support the sustainable growth of the Kingdom's economy.

«برنامج شريك».. أسباب التسمية وأهداف الاستراتيجية للقطاعين العام والخاص
The program will become an essential part of the national investment strategy and the broader economic development plan, and it will enhance the Kingdom's reputation as a business-friendly environment that attracts investments seeking remunerative returns, in addition to providing practical and accurate support to accelerate the growth of large companies' projects in the Kingdom, given the framework of the large companies investment board and clear guidelines for large companies that qualify them for support, and enable them to participate in the plan voluntarily which is designed to achieve major benefits for these companies
برنامج “شريك” .. حقبة جديدة وقوية من التعاون بين القطاعين العام والخاص
To benefit from the program, large companies must prove their ability to invest a minimum of SR20 billion over the next decade, and the ability to invest SR400 million in each additional project, to possess the necessary qualifications to obtain the program's support
برنامج “شريك” .. حقبة جديدة وقوية من التعاون بين القطاعين العام والخاص
The program contributes to doing business by launching mega projects to boost GDP growth and provide advantages for the economy as a whole
It measures its performance based on the successful implementation of projects of national importance It will also, through quick approvals and other incentives, facilitate the investment environment and improve the ease of doing business in the Kingdom
However, large companies must implement plans to invest SR400 million in each project in order to qualify for support It aims to contribute up to SR2 trillion to the Kingdom's GDP growth by 2025 and create hundreds of thousands of jobs over the next five years

برنامج لتعزيز الشراكة مع القطاع الخاص في السعودية

It is worth mentioning that this program is voluntary, but in light of the ability to provide dedicated support to meet the specific investment and project requirements of large companies, the program is confident that it will be proven attractive to both the large companies listed on the stock exchange and the large companies from the private sector.

ولي العهد السعودي يطلق برنامج شريك ، أكبر مباردة شراكة بين القطاع العام والقطاع الخاص
The program is currently open to large private sector companies with projects that will have a significant impact on the national economy by large
برنامج شريك... دعم جديد من ولي العهد لرؤية السعودية 2030
The responsibilities of the "Shareek" Program are in line with the priorities of Vision 2030, as the program is designed to promote the development and diversification of the national economy
برنامج “شريك” .. قوة دافعة لاستثمارات القطاع الخاص
There are no specific investment targets for the program due to the specific nature and requirements of each large company, however, the program was established to ensure that ambitious investment strategies are leveraged and achieved much faster than before