استرازينيكا تطعيم. لقاح أكسفورد

When compared with the first dose, side effects reported after the second dose were milder and reported less frequently There were no additional side effects in the 345 people who received Vaxzevria in the trial and had previously had COVID-19
As for all medicines, data on the use of Vaxzevria are continuously monitored Detailed information about this vaccine is available in the , which includes the

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You are therefore advised to be selective about which sections or pages you wish to print.

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Arrangements for the supply of the vaccine are the responsibility of national authorities
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The decision on whether to use the vaccine in pregnant women should be made in close consultation with a healthcare professional after considering the benefits and risks
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Half received the vaccine and half were given a control injection, either a dummy injection or another non-COVID vaccine
Department of Health and Social Care Lymphadenopathy enlarged lymph nodes , decreased appetite, dizziness, sleepiness, lethargy lack of energy , sweating, abdominal belly pain, itching, rash and urticaria itchy rash may affect up to 1 in 100 people
These trials and additional studies will provide information on how long protection lasts, including against new variants of the virus, how well the vaccine prevents severe COVID-19, how well it protects older people, immunocompromised people, children and pregnant women, and whether it prevents asymptomatic cases "Covid-19: The E484K mutation and the risks it poses"

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Can people with allergies be vaccinated with Vaxzevria? Woo, Jenny Strasburg and Stu October 21, 2020.

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Other information about Vaxzevria Contents• It is made up of another virus adenovirus that has been modified to contain the gene for making the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
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Can pregnant or breast-feeding women be vaccinated with Vaxzevria? Walsh, Nick; Shelley, Jo; Duwe, Eduardo; Bonnett, William 27 July 2020
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Combined results from 4 in the United Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa showed that Vaxzevria was safe and effective at preventing COVID-19 in people from 18 years of age
"A Phase III study to investigate a vaccine against COVID-19" Although immunocompromised people may not respond as well to the vaccine, there are no particular safety concerns
People receiving Vaxzevria may experience more than one side effect at the same time There were not enough results in older participants over 55 years old to provide a figure for how well the vaccine will work in this group

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Safety measures will be implemented for Vaxzevria in line with the to ensure that new safety information is rapidly collected and analysed.

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For more information about using Vaxzevria, see the or talk to a healthcare professional
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Vaxzevria is made up of another virus of the adenovirus family that has been modified to contain the gene for making a protein from SARS-CoV-2
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Coleman, Justine 10 June 2020