سبب نشفان الحلق. أسباب نشفان الريق

"[The effects of drugs on the oral cavity]" Riley, Philip; Glenny, Anne-Marie; Hua, Fang; Worthington, Helen V 2017-07-31
"Etiology of xerostomia and dental caries among methamphetamine abusers"

أسباب جفاف الحلق عند الحامل

International journal of dental hygiene.

جفاف الحلق
Fazzi, M; Vescovi, P; Savi, A; Manfredi, M; Peracchia, M October 1999
ما هي أسباب جفاف الحلق
"Effect of cannabis usage on the oral environment: a review"
علاج جفاف الفم: نصائح للسيطرة على جفاف الفم
"Interventions for the management of dry mouth: non-pharmacological interventions"
The American Academy of Oral Medicine Products that can help relieve dry mouth
International journal of clinical practice The American Academy of Oral Medicine

ما سبب جفاف الحلق

"Managing the patient presenting with xerostomia: a review".

كيفية علاج جفاف الفم
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
اسباب جفاف الحلق واعراضه
Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease 9th ed
علاج جفاف الفم: نصائح للسيطرة على جفاف الفم
"Comparison between saliva stimulants and saliva substitutes in patients with symptoms related to dry mouth
Furness, Susan; Bryan, Gemma; McMillan, Roddy; Birchenough, Sarah; Worthington, Helen V Visvanathan, V; Nix, P February 2010
Treatment of dry mouth and other non-ocular sicca symptoms in Sjogren's syndrome Journal of the American Dental Association 1939

علاج نشفان الحلق

For the dental patient: oral moisturizers.

ما سبب جفاف الحلق
The Journal of the American Dental Association
ما علاج نشفان الريق
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 9 : CD009603
ما أسباب جفاف الريق
Hara, AT; Zero, DT 2014