It would be great if every mother did that | There are other good things about the show, too |
The excellent acting and the lina wertmuller's directing made this film a masterpiece and a realistic portrait of Italy of the '30 | Nejede však na plný plyn a spíše než cokoliv jiného připomíná povedený webseriál, který vznikl z jednoho dobrého nápadu party přátel |
Right then, Max comes into the office sees Sofie doing her business and takes a picture.
SHE KNOWS HOW TO MAKE A COMIC TRAGEDY AND WITH THE PAUCITY OF GOOD COMEDY THESE DAYS IT WAS A TREAT TO SEE GIANNINI IN A FILM I HAVE NOT SEEN | Foreign projects on Netflix, especially from Scandinavia, holds a fond place in the hearts of fans |
At work, with Ronny gone for the day, Sofie orders Max to act like the CEO | When Max succeeds, he kisses Sofie and then challenges her to walk backwards for the rest of the day, which she does at work and then continues to do at home, much to her husband's displeasure |
V podstatě tedy příběh o tom, kterak si jedna milfka usmyslí, že život ve vyjetých kolejích ji už nebaví a proto se začne sbližovat s mladíčkem, který si hraje na dospělejšího, než ve skutečnosti mentálně je.