فلسطين. فلسطين

Al Jazeera, 11 September 2015• from the original on 15 October 2014 It was effectively annexed by Israel in 1967, by application of Israeli law, jurisdiction and administration under a 1948 law amended for the purpose, this purported annexation being constitutionally reaffirmed by implication in Basic Law: Jerusalem 1980, but this annexation is not recognised by any other country
The Hope Simpson Report London, 1930• 6 million at the end of 2010 while the number of ADSL subscribers in Palestine increased to about 363 thousand by the end of 2019 from 119 thousand over the same period Schiller, Jon 2009 , , PublishAmerica, ISBN 1439263264, 9781439263266 ,• , Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521484553, 9780521484558 ,• Ramallah is the administrative center of the Palestinian National Authority


8 "The Arab Regular Armies' Invasion of Palestine".

on a 1927 British Mandate stamp
قضية فلسطين باختصار
As a result, here—as in Exodus—rescuing the hero's life from the clutches of the evil king necessitates a sudden flight to another country
موضوع عن فلسطين
from the original on 23 April 2010
Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press ISBN 0-674-65223-1• The motion was passed by 164 votes to 5, with Canada, , Israel, , and the United States opposing Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press ISBN 0674015177• London: Frank Cass ISBN 0-7146-2939-1• Peter Beaumont 31 December 2014
Its news agencies include , , Palestine News Network It maintains minimal interference retaining control of borders: , sea beyond , in the Gaza Strip its interior and Egypt portion of the land border are under , and varying degrees of interference elsewhere


1998 The Jewish People in Classical Antiquity: from Alexander to Bar Kochba.

Rain is scarce and generally falls between November and March, with annual precipitation rates approximately at 4
:"The Holy See has identified the State of Palestine as such since the vote" by the UN general assembly to recognize it in November 2012, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told AFP
دولة فلسطين
Beaumont, Peter 3 October 2014
Miskin, Maayana 5 December 2012
Report to the Council of the League of Nations 1934• The history was expressed by Mahmoud Abbas in his September 2011 speech to the United Nations: " After , in 1947, the UN adopted a for recommending the creation of independent Arab and Jewish states and an

موضوع عن فلسطين

from the original on 14 October 2014.

قضية فلسطين باختصار
Thus, the two enclaves constituting the area claimed by State of Palestine have no geographical border with one another, being separated by Israel
بحث عن فلسطين
Report to the Council of the League of Nations 1935• Transjordan never recognized it and instead decided to incorporate the West Bank with its own territory to form
State of Palestine
from the original on 31 December 2014