Statistical from these data are then used to translate between those languages | However, because English, like all human languages, is ambiguous and depends on context, this can cause translation errors |
You can often get better results by scanning and selecting specific text | To translate handwritten text, just click the pen icon on the right-hand side of the screen to open the handwriting screen |
Launched in April 2006 as a service, it used and documents and transcripts to gather linguistic data.
19This can be incredibly useful when you are unsure of pronunciations | Add extensions and apps to your computer from your phone You can add extensions and apps to your computer from a mobile device |
What Google Translate can do As one of the around, the Google Translate app offers a lot of handy features and is available for and | In March 2017, it was enabled for Hindi, Russian and Vietnamese, followed by Bengali, Gujarati, Indonesian, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu in April |
How to translate text The app is fairly straightforward to use, and it defaults to the translate screen.
For some languages, text can be entered via an , through , or | GNMT's "proposed architecture" of "system learning" has been implemented on over a hundred languages supported by Google Translate |
You should see the translation appear overlaid on the app near instantly | A good example is Russian-to-English |
As of July 2021, Google Translate supports 109 languages at various levels and as of April 2016 , claimed over 500 million total users, with more than 100 billion words translated daily.